Ohio Constitutional Amendment
Ohio law permits Ohioans to bring Constitutional Amendments to the general public for a state-wide vote to enact law within the Ohio Constitution. This is what we're doing. We're approaching the general public and asking Ohioans to pass law that would ensure they, their families, their friends, their co-workers, all Ohioans, have the final say as to what medication goes into their bodies. Read More...
What is Medical Freedom & the Right to Refuse
What is medical freedom? Medical freedom is the inherent right of all human beings to direct their own healthcare decisions. This initiative, the Medical Right to Refuse, would guarantee that all Ohioans maintain autonomy over their body and their medical choices to receive or not receive medications, specifically the right to refuse injections, such as the Covid-19 shot. Read More...

Doesn't the law already protect Medical Freedom?
There is no language in Ohio Revised Code that explicitly guarantees Ohioans the right to make their own medical decisions.
Article 1 Section 21 of the Ohio Constitution references the “preservation of the freedom to choose health care and health care coverage”. This however, does not guarantee Ohioans the right to make their own medical decisions. The law could be interpreted to do so, but no case-law yet supports this interpretation. It’s unlikely that a court would rule in favor of such an interpretation, because the spirit of the law was to protect Ohioans from mandated health insurance. Furthermore, even if such an interpretation was upheld, the law would only apply to the government, not other entities who are discriminating against Ohioans for their personal healthcare decisions.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, federal law, does offer some minimal protection for certain individuals in certain situations, but again, does not guarantee all Ohioans the right to make their own medical decisions.
Help Gather Signatures
Help us get the Medical Right to Refuse Ohio Constitutional Amendment on the ballot!
If you would like to help us get the Medical Right to Refuse Ohio Constitutional Amendment on the ballot, please consider helping us gather the 500,000 signatures that are necessary to do so. We're enlisting the help of volunteers throughout the State of Ohio to help us gather these signatures in their local communities.
You can download our Signature Collector packet, which includes instructions on how to collect signatures for this ballot initiative. Once you've collected signatures, you can simply mail the documents to us via USPS and we can process them from there!
Thank you for your help!